Education changes slowly – why?

There are so many new trends in education – concerning materials, methods, resources and settings. These days, Open Educational Resources (OER) start cleaving and everyone talks about Open Access (OA) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).  But Why are we teaching like it’s 1992?

The new normal is a very interesting blog post dealing with this topic and pointing out some of the reasons, why teachers are so reluctant when it comes to shifting the paradigm of teaching AND learning. One important reason is – to be sure – the difficult discussion about copyright and faire use (even within a MOOC) with its different national occurrences. No one really knows how to produce their resources. What is legally correct? What is at least allowed?

Even though there are many new gadgets (some even inspired by Inspector Gadget – do you remember him?), teachers do note dare to use them (while they are willing to use them), fearing the consequences. Isn’t it time to get rid of all these fears? There are many initiatives that show how to handle the different copyright issues, how to use the different Creative Commons licenses and nevertheless plagiarism is still widespread (as Richard Byrne and Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano experienced some time ago). Here are some of my thoughts, unfortunately in German, about copyright issues. You can also watch the video by Webcomic Alliance.

We have to rethink a little bit our teaching manners and avoid „traditional“ mistakes being part of our teaching habits, like producing inappropriate resources or concentrating on the teaching process instead of the learning process being too teacher-oriented. Maybe the following tips can help you to overcome some of these „traditional patterns“: Personal Learning Networks for Educators: 10 Tips.

Here are some tips to help reluctant teachers to use technology in their teaching settings: