Two goodies for the weekend

Browsing the web you can find real treasures that can make you smile or that are really useful for teaching.

One of these goodies is a short video posted on Vimeo called Bow Wow Meow – Animal Sounds in Different Languages. It’s not just that the video is cute, it’s a nice way to make cultural differences visible. There’s just one thing: the German „translation“ is missing. So there’s no wuff, wuff, miau, muh, kikeriki (or gack, gack) and oink, oink. For more information see the articles Tierlautbezeichnungen and Dyrelyde on Wikipedia.

The second goodie is an infographic showing the work flow when doing research: A Must SeeGraphic On How To Do Research. The graphic describes the different steps from the planning period to the point of publication focusing on digital literacy.

And finally for all my colleagues teaching French as a second or a foreign language, there is a nice Jeu du dictionnaire. It helps students who learn French to develop searching skills, e.g. to use the dictionary in the right way.