Visions of the 21st century classroom

There are many visions of what education and learning in the future will look like. Will there still be a classroom with tables and seats? Will there still be a chalk board? A beamer? Will students of the same age have to take the same classes? Will the curricula stay the same?

Edudemic tried to do a little forecast and published an article that names 5 Classroom Staples That Will Soon Be Outdated. In this article you can find a second paper with the Components of the 21st century classroom. This infographic shows what the classroom will probably look like in 20 years treating its key advancements.

Some devices (The Most Awaited Devices Of 2013) could give direction to this educational shift supporting mobility and individualization and their impacts on the way we will be learning and teaching in the future. And there are 10 Specific Examples Of Emerging Educational Technologies named by TeachThought that seem to have a significant influence on our educational future. It’s not only that MOOCs and Mobile Learning , or Cloud and Tablet Computing are already part of our (educational) lives, it’s the way the use of clouds, tablets and mobile devices changes our way of thinking an acting.

Teachers and Publishers will have to adapt to these changing paradigms in learning and in living our lives. Digital textbooks are just one phenomenon reflecting this change. New skills will have to be taught in school – how to find content in a world full of information and people seeking for information produce new information. Web 2.0 will be replaced by the so called Web 3.0 (the Semantic or Social Web). If you are not sure about the differences between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 the article What Is Web 3.0 And How Will It Change Education? (published by Edudemic) might answer your questions. So we will have to be Preparing our students for Web 3.0 learning. The homonymous presentation (by Judy O’Connell) gives an interesting insight in how to reach this goal and why it’s important to do so.